Monday, November 1, 2010

GAH, GAH, GAH I say!!

I've been working on my plot today.  For almost 6 hours. It's like a real full time job, this book writing thing.

And I still haven't written a single word of my book.  But... It's coming together. I think, I HOPE having this outline will make things make some sense.  I hope...

I'm excited writing it.  It feels like it's actually coming together to me. I'm trying so hard not to write Anita Blake or Larissa Ione clone.  I'm thinking I may not even have a happy ending with like one man... I really have more of a coming of age story than a romance.. I want things to end well....but in a place where more could totally happen, and 'happily ever after' isn't a guarantee....this is, of course, all dependent on me being able to actually WRITE something.

Gah! Gah!  GAH! I say.

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